Thursday, July 3, 2008

Prosperity for all bounces back 'coperative'

In their endevour to reach the peasants with their prosperity for all project, the NRM government has importantly noted the need for' cooperatives'.When the NRM government assumed power, for reasons based known to the master planners and top advisers of their boss(Presdent Yoweri Museveni), cooperatives were wiped out. commercial banks were then introduced, and this slowed the national development of peasants especially farmers who could not keep up with the high rates charged by these banks.

Banks such as Backlays, Crane bank were introduced and these had a profit maximization motive. The cooperative Banks which were enabling Peasants and farmers to economically grow were scraped off. The absence of cooperative banks slowed balanced regional development and it became a big blow to the economic development of peasant farmers throughout Uganda.

It is great news for many farmers since our government has realised the importance of coperative development as noted in the Minisiter of Finance's address to the Speaker and the Paliament house. " Let me once again take this opportunity to urge Ugandans to join the Savings and Credit Cooperatives and the Production and Marketing Cooperatives", the Minister urged.

This unexpected move of government to encourage development of coperatives is good news for Ugandan farmers. Because this simply means that more farmers are going to be able to interact with other farmers, save, borrow loans to improve their production. My only concern is the seriousness in which government intends to put in these coperatives. We are forinstance happy about the micro finance and SACCOs that have been put in place by the NRM government. But can it be guaranteed that the confusions that has been happening with many of the micro finance institution shall not be repeated?

The media has occassionally reported cases of grambling peasants whom some micro finace institutions greedily take their money. others have been fulled by cone men eho collect their money because of luck of proper institutions such as the traditional coperative institutions. the burden is therefore on government to protect these farmers fron corrupt cone men, provide sufficient methads and technical help such that the agricultural sector can boom in this country.
Overall, the buget this year substantial favouring towards agriculture and this is surely a good indicator that NRM is serious with their 'prosperity for all' project. they are targeting a sector which employs 80% of Uganda's population- a good indicator that NRM is keepint their word to enhance economic growth for the entire population of Uganda.Horaaaaaaaaaaaaaah for prosperity for all!