Sunday, March 15, 2009

Managers and employers should be sensetive when relaying bad news to their employees!

The Story about the Mwiri teacher(Mwiri is a single sex secondary school in eastern Uganda in Jinja district.)who commited suicide over his transfer’ is a clear indication that the increasing number people depressed in Uganda should be cause for alarm to the entire public of Uganda.In a study conducted by world vision in 2001, it was found that 21% of adults surveyed in selected HIV and AIDS-affected communities in south-western Uganda were clinically depressed in this country. This study concentrated on HIV/AIDS affected communities but it can work as a pilot test to show us that there are quite a number of people who are depressed.The previous reports of the media about a man who murdered he’s family and the recent one about the Mwiri teacher is an indication that the levels of depression are rising not only as a result of HIV/AIDS but also because of the existing high levels of poverty and other related problems.According to World Health Organization depression is a common mental disorder that presents with depressed mood, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, low energy, and poor concentration. These problems can become chronic or recurrent and lead to substantial impairments in an individual's ability to take care of his or her everyday responsibilities. At its worst, depression can lead to suicide, a tragic fatality associated with the loss of about 850 000 thousand lives every year.In light of the article that was published in the daily monitor of February 2009, one would assume that life is worthless. The diseased David Kaggwa’s suicidal death clearly indicates that some people in Uganda do not treasure the sacredness of life and thus ignorantly devalue it in preference of what exists around us such as our jobs, houses, cars which we assume are a better bargain than our pressures lives!Therefore while some people strife to exercise, eat well, do regular check ups, pray and protect their lives, some ignorant ones just commit suicide. The paradox here is whom I’m I angry with? Is it those who commit suicide? Or those who ignore depressed people? and trample over them making them less hopeful and helpless. In this particular case my pointing figure is accusing the Head teacher of Mwri who did not pay attention to the emotional weakness of Mr. Kaggwa because he was busy cruelly relaying the transfer details to Mr. Kaggwa without putting into consideration he’s emotional state before giving him the bad news of he’s referral to the Ministry for posting elsewhere.This brings to light the negligence of poor managers who luck the skill to council and prepare stuff for the bad news that awaits them. Bad news of any sort has never been an easy thing to digest. I’m sure that all of you out there know that catastrophic news can send anyone in their right senses to become crazy enough to attempt to or take their own life. One requires emotional backup from an understanding person in order to absorb and digest bad news. Cooperate leaders, Directors, Managers and employers should know that we entrust them with lives of our loved ones. If you are a boss out there, Know that you have a responsibility of looking out for your subjects. Device a more appropriate means of relaying bad news to your subjects in a less traumatic manner. The reasons that acted as a catalysts drive for Mr. Kaggwa to commit suicide was the short notice announcement from the School head teacher. He’s depressed state caused by overwhelming financial problems could not enable him bear the news of being unemployed.