Tuesday, December 9, 2008

love the children don't abuse them

Issues concerning child abuse have been popular in the local media and it seems to be fading away so soon. Protests and campaigns against violence and child abuse of children should become more proactive. This is because numerous forms of abuses go on and on and we sit back and look on.

Evils such as child trafficking, child sacrifice, child soldiers, defilement, child battering, child labour, domestic violence, and child prostitution are some of the abuses children have had to live with through out their lives. We have tremendously sinned against the innocent children in so many ways and the list is endless.

The motherly heart of a woman has disappeared, because if we look at most of the evils that happen to children it has its genesis with the cruelty of a woman. Some kinds of child abuses start early. For instance, with every puff of cigarette, your baby absorbs growth-retarding diseases of nicotine, carbon monoxide, ammonia and hydrogen chloride. Mothers who are supposed to love care and protect children start destroying them with bad habits such as smoking, alcoholism and ‘indiscipline’ acts during their pregnancies. As if the torture given to them is not enough during pregnancy then comes, the physical and psychological neglect of a child after birth. For useless purposes such as looking young, little headed mothers refuse to breast feed their babies and deny them the natural nutrients God prepared for children in their breast!

In a recent documentary on BBC, it was repoted that lots of children especially the girl child were being shipped to the west to be used as child prostitutes. The documentary talked about a teenage Nigerian girl who left her Home in search for greener pastures only to be deceived by a selfish cruel woman who helped her crossover to western Europe, only to use her as a money making tool in prostitution. The girl was found by one of the BBC reporter who took the responsibility of returning her the right authorities who returned her safely back to Nigeria. On return several medical check ups were done and she was found with the deadly disease. The poor girl will now live with the nightmare of the disease. This reminds me of the issue of cross generational sex. Big pot bellied men old enough to be grand parents have no shame in luring young children into sex. So many cases have been reported in the print media about a father who used his own daughter. The sodomy way of life has captured the world and when God pours down his wrath, we should not be surprised. But it is not too late for us to change and pray to God for forgiveness.

We should realize that a lot of evils are going on in the world and it should not chock us. The financial credit systems are failing, terrorist attacks are rampant, high crime rate and leaders with virtue are no more. All this is because we have neglected the word of God which commands us to love and bless the little ones. In Matthew 18:10 God warns us not to despise and abuse children because they are a blessing.
Indeed increasing crime rate such as cases of defilement, burning of schools and the magnitude of street children show how greatly we have wronged the innocent children. We have innocent blood shading in our hands and these children are crying aloud to God. If we want to avoid curses and the wrath of God, let us stop

Sunday, September 7, 2008


They say once a fool always a fool, n l guess once u get a womanizing husband they will always be womanizers even if they rise to positions which demand high respect. My trip to Gulu was at its climax, for there's much fun and activity in this town so much that it has been referred to as the city of northern region.

Havanah which is the most popular night hang out and a spot for those who love dancing was my next destination after touring lucrative hangouts such as Diana gardens, stadium view and many others. Havanah pub has been highly advertised and often written about yah, as usual l wanted to go check it out for myself.

Many friends around had ambiguously praised the place n l was charged to check it out. convincing my girlfriend was not so hard because she had scheduled this day to be a girl's day out. wow. this was my advantage since l dread the thought of unnecessary touching and squeezing from Boyfriends who want to mark their territories to the staring committees of admirers in Club.

l dressed up to look hot n set off to enjoy my night at Havannah Pub in Gulu.
The praise and often talked about Havannah was not alie, from the moment l entered l was embraced by quality selection and a mixture variety music...hmmymmmmmm l guess this D.J got advise from all the top D.Js in Uganda. l'm telling you l danced non-stop and time past me by without my notice.

Me and my girlfriend were dancing like as though no one else existed in Havannah Club. boyyyyy....l did the songs as they did me !(reverse of the do me, l do u song). As we happily danced with unique strokes collected from most of the music videos we watched, we left the crowd smitten off but we left no room for anyone to exploit their way through to us. We declined all advances of salivating men and danced the night a way. the D.J was so magnificent with he's selection and we went on and on with our playful, creative dancing. As we busied bodied ourselves one of the so called VIP man sent a boy to call my friend. l encouraged her to decline it and she did.

After the return of the young man who was sent, many other porter boys began to frequent our circle which was composed of only girls, each one of them was whispering in our ear that their bosses were calling us to join their table. Now glory to God who saved me from the wrath of buzz, for l ceased taking buuz ever since the buzz almost caused me to throw up my intestines. it was a scary experience but it delivered me from the powers of buuz. since then l take sodas, water and seldom take a glass of wine.

At Havannah l was the only sober girl in my circle, because of this l was the only one who resisted the alure of men old enough to be my father and grand father.There they were ogling at young girls, young enough to be their daughters! Men, men, men but we love them don't we?!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Prosperity for all bounces back 'coperative'

In their endevour to reach the peasants with their prosperity for all project, the NRM government has importantly noted the need for' cooperatives'.When the NRM government assumed power, for reasons based known to the master planners and top advisers of their boss(Presdent Yoweri Museveni), cooperatives were wiped out. commercial banks were then introduced, and this slowed the national development of peasants especially farmers who could not keep up with the high rates charged by these banks.

Banks such as Backlays, Crane bank were introduced and these had a profit maximization motive. The cooperative Banks which were enabling Peasants and farmers to economically grow were scraped off. The absence of cooperative banks slowed balanced regional development and it became a big blow to the economic development of peasant farmers throughout Uganda.

It is great news for many farmers since our government has realised the importance of coperative development as noted in the Minisiter of Finance's address to the Speaker and the Paliament house. " Let me once again take this opportunity to urge Ugandans to join the Savings and Credit Cooperatives and the Production and Marketing Cooperatives", the Minister urged.

This unexpected move of government to encourage development of coperatives is good news for Ugandan farmers. Because this simply means that more farmers are going to be able to interact with other farmers, save, borrow loans to improve their production. My only concern is the seriousness in which government intends to put in these coperatives. We are forinstance happy about the micro finance and SACCOs that have been put in place by the NRM government. But can it be guaranteed that the confusions that has been happening with many of the micro finance institution shall not be repeated?

The media has occassionally reported cases of grambling peasants whom some micro finace institutions greedily take their money. others have been fulled by cone men eho collect their money because of luck of proper institutions such as the traditional coperative institutions. the burden is therefore on government to protect these farmers fron corrupt cone men, provide sufficient methads and technical help such that the agricultural sector can boom in this country.
Overall, the buget this year substantial favouring towards agriculture and this is surely a good indicator that NRM is serious with their 'prosperity for all' project. they are targeting a sector which employs 80% of Uganda's population- a good indicator that NRM is keepint their word to enhance economic growth for the entire population of Uganda.Horaaaaaaaaaaaaaah for prosperity for all!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Carey's off the singles list

Hmmmm…r u still dreaming or still fantasizing about it? Well, Mariah has done it. She has finally found that special one to share her life forever with. What I’m I saying…she has found her forever man…Nick Cannon! The Stars tied their note on 30th of April this year (2008) Cannon was heard swearing a hundred times that Carey is beautiful on the outside and 10 times beautiful on the inside. Oops that is real love dear people. He already knows her inside and out!

So singles out there chill out n don’t u mess coz Nick has left the singles diary and her beautiful voiced Carey will assure and finally admit that her ‘we belong together’ song was worth it. Coz her and Nick surely belong together…don’t they!

Farmers need help to reap big

Prices are increasing sharply for some of the most basic foodstuffs traded on international commodity markets. The price of wheat has doubled in less than a year, while other staples such as corn, maize and Soya are trading at well above their 1990s averages. Rice and coffee prices are running at 10-year highs, and in some countries, prices for milk and meat have more than doubled. In fact here in Uganda the price of meat, which used to go for 3000 Uganda shillings per kilogram in the last years, is now 5000 Uganda shillings per kilogram.

The rising food prices have escalated the concern of both the local and international community. The difference is in the action being taken by various governments to avert this problem. In Uganda’s case, President Yoweri Museveni has already encouraged farmers to grab this opportunity to reap big in their sales. But the irony in this is the evidence that many farmers are very poor and luck even the improved means of farming for increased produce to be realised.

Generally, traders come directly to farmers to offer a price. Farmers are forced to accept either because of lack of good roads and affordable transportation means. They therefore can only sell locally or they do not know the market rates. This makes them subject to being cheated by the middlemen. Many sell a low price simply because they need the money immediately. This creates a vicious circle where farmers are unable to improve their crop yield by buying better and fertilisers because they are getting very little money for their produce. And with the costs of food rising rapidly all over the world, solutions are urgently needed to not only feed people in the short term, but also provide more in the long term.

It should be noted that Agriculture accounts for 80% of Uganda's occupation and in the previous budget less than 4% was allocated to the agricultural sector. Yet with the big percentage if farming is taken seriously we could perhaps reap big and avoid inflation of food prices.

The former UN secretary has already made a remarkable move by encouraging Africans to learn to cultivate their own food. This is a good initiative but unless proper help is rendered to demonstrate and help farmers from the grass root level, all will be in vain.

In Uganda here the agricultural sector is the most marginalised, little coverage is given to agriculture and even the government policies do not have an acute address to making agriculture a success. Uganda is a country gifted with a relatively good weather and good soils; it therefore has the potential to provide food for both its local market and the international community. In fact l find it very shocking for us to go through the hustle of increasing prices of food stuff yet we could avoid this if agriculture was taken seriously by the government.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Faculty of Arts at 5pm.

A mixture of cold and the warm cooling air breeze diminishing in the air is felt as the sun goes to sleep. It is 5 pm sharp -a rush hour time. After along tiring and exhausting day of boring lectures with only a lunch break for a relaxation, many students on day program at the faculty of arts are ending the day while this hour is the beginning of lectures for some. Do not expect to find the department offices especially that of mass communication open and any single lecturer of mass communication around as these people strictly adhere to the university provision of closing offices at 5 pm.
In every corner of the compound there are small groups of students engaged in whatever suits their moods, class work discussion, gossip and a good laugh. Seating areas that are highly on demand are the stone slabs that welcome you as you enter faculty of arts. The idlers find this place a perfect place for staring while the tired one will find it a relaxing place- whatever the reason, the stone slabs at faculty of arts sell like hot cake at 5pm.
It is a time for getting in touch with the working class students who can be evidently noticed by their neatly pressed shirts, classy turn up trousers and shiny shoes. It is a good time to see who has a job and one can possibly tag along for contacts to get a job or other benefits.
The printers and their operators seem very busy at this time as various students crowd the place awaiting to be served. It's not clear whether these are only evening students but my guess is that most of them are. The day students are mainly dependants who would rather copy their notes manually by writing. And if you are looking for real variety in fashion the place to be is faculty of arts at 5pm. The rush in of trendy dressed up female and male students will update your style choice. There is a wide range of fashion, cooperate, beach, dance hall, African ‘bitengi’ down to causal out-fits. The rich mixture of fashion gets more interesting with the various hair-dos of female students. So, are you in search of a place to feast your eyes with fashion and new trends, then look no further, faculty of arts at 5pm is the place to be!

Monday, April 7, 2008

In memory of grandpa

Even though we your grand children never had the oppportunity to see you, the fond memmories that you left with grandma and your children tell us alot. we feel close to you everytime we look at the virtue of respect and humility that your children are imparting on us. For they have persistently reminded us that you advocated for maximum respect and humility. You are greatly missesd dear grandpa.

Monday, February 25, 2008


She bears the pain
From the morning sickness,
Swelling legs and nausea
She carries you in her belly
With all the discomfort
Bringing a child has

She bears the pain
With all the mistreatment
She endures the beatings
Of an abusive man
For her life is a sacrifice for
Her children and the man in her life

No Male species has ever known
This kind of pain but
She bears this pain with courage

Saturday, February 23, 2008

No One Falls In Love By Choice!

Ever wondered why you are stack with that guy or gal that u know u don't even know so well? Now, I know the ladies, who've been there and done it, will definitely agree with me. Remember those sweet sixteen days when you would read the ‘Mills and Boons’, dream of prince charming who comes along and takes you to the moon? Oh yeah, l sure do remember mine vividly!

In many instances you will find yourself in love with someone who is totally the opposite of what you have dreamt of your entire life. How you fantasize about a wide shouldered, tall well built guy with six packs. It is the dream of every girl to get a protective romantic man who can shelter them, but you will be surprised at how very few if not none, get to have a man who can shield them.

Tyler Perry’s ‘Diary of a mad black woman’ portrays Kimberly Elise as atypical innocent woman who falls prey of the abusive husband. In her narration she confesses that “sometimes she felt that she didn’t really know the man she was so madly in love with”. She did not choose to love him but she did love him and even when the time came for her to give up that old love she had no choice because her heart and soul choose to love again when her co-actor Shemar Moore gets her hooked to he’s paws. There! She was in love even if it was not her choice. She persisted that she was not ready for love but she was in love! Truthfully if l had a chance to change anything about erotic relationships, l would opt for the alternative of having control over the choice of whom l love.

If there were people falling in love by choice there would definitely be less divorce cases all over the world. The force that drives many to indulge in the game of love usually starts with a force that is against ones will. During the quest for what we really want, so many obstacles befall us and choice is thus abandoned then, destiny takes its course. We do not choose whom we want to fall in love with we simply find ourselves in love, when we least expect it.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Rain on me Lord

Even though my weakness and shame have driffted me far away from your presence. My sin constantly weakens my strength to lean on you and has drawn me away from your favour. Lord my life is now occupied by emptiness and sorrow because your glory left me. Nothing is right anymore, everything is going wrong in my life. Peace is merely a longing, even hope that used to keep me on ma feet has fled.I'm left in dispare and this world that I'm placed in is no home for me. It is so cruel,merciless and crude in its punishments. Poverty, homelessness, loneliness, pain, hunger, hatred..oh no! the list of torture here on earth is endless. I admit that l've wronged you and l wonna come back to you Lord so RAIN ON ME and wash a way my agony and take me back home. Yes, take me to heaven where l shall rest enternally.

Hope will come again

Though the winds of darkness and the rays of shadow has conquered,
though the storm is too strong to bear,hope will come again! Far across the distance...a strong light ray approaches and brings with it a new bright shining star........singing..' Hope will come again!'