Monday, May 12, 2008

Carey's off the singles list

Hmmmm…r u still dreaming or still fantasizing about it? Well, Mariah has done it. She has finally found that special one to share her life forever with. What I’m I saying…she has found her forever man…Nick Cannon! The Stars tied their note on 30th of April this year (2008) Cannon was heard swearing a hundred times that Carey is beautiful on the outside and 10 times beautiful on the inside. Oops that is real love dear people. He already knows her inside and out!

So singles out there chill out n don’t u mess coz Nick has left the singles diary and her beautiful voiced Carey will assure and finally admit that her ‘we belong together’ song was worth it. Coz her and Nick surely belong together…don’t they!


Dennis D. Muhumuza said...

am happy for mariah. i used 2 like way way back. nick is a cool. they'll make a likeable couple.

Cynthia Julie said...

Too Bad this did not last, they split and disappointed my expectations. oh well these Hollywood marriages!