Saturday, February 23, 2008

No One Falls In Love By Choice!

Ever wondered why you are stack with that guy or gal that u know u don't even know so well? Now, I know the ladies, who've been there and done it, will definitely agree with me. Remember those sweet sixteen days when you would read the ‘Mills and Boons’, dream of prince charming who comes along and takes you to the moon? Oh yeah, l sure do remember mine vividly!

In many instances you will find yourself in love with someone who is totally the opposite of what you have dreamt of your entire life. How you fantasize about a wide shouldered, tall well built guy with six packs. It is the dream of every girl to get a protective romantic man who can shelter them, but you will be surprised at how very few if not none, get to have a man who can shield them.

Tyler Perry’s ‘Diary of a mad black woman’ portrays Kimberly Elise as atypical innocent woman who falls prey of the abusive husband. In her narration she confesses that “sometimes she felt that she didn’t really know the man she was so madly in love with”. She did not choose to love him but she did love him and even when the time came for her to give up that old love she had no choice because her heart and soul choose to love again when her co-actor Shemar Moore gets her hooked to he’s paws. There! She was in love even if it was not her choice. She persisted that she was not ready for love but she was in love! Truthfully if l had a chance to change anything about erotic relationships, l would opt for the alternative of having control over the choice of whom l love.

If there were people falling in love by choice there would definitely be less divorce cases all over the world. The force that drives many to indulge in the game of love usually starts with a force that is against ones will. During the quest for what we really want, so many obstacles befall us and choice is thus abandoned then, destiny takes its course. We do not choose whom we want to fall in love with we simply find ourselves in love, when we least expect it.


Lindah said...

Good post!
You know what? I agree with you on the religious part of it. Emotionally, i fall in love by choice.

Cynthia Julie said...

hmmmmm..r u sure physically u have control. well l think u r dreamin coz u fall in love without makin a choice...ok that love that works for u is wat l'm talking about country boy.